ESA visit



We were thrilled to host European Space Agency – ESA Director General Josef Aschbacher, ESA Commercial Space Transportation Programme Manager Thilo Kranz, as well as Head of ESA Director General’s Cabinet Apostolia Karamali, in our factory in Ville de Vernon (27200) (Normandy) in July. They could see first-hand our latest operational milestones for the development of the first European reusable and eco-responsible mini launcher, which includes the vertical recovery of the main stage on a barge at sea.


🛠 A good occasion to concretely demonstrate our test and learn iterative approach allowing us to move quickly: two years after the creation of MaiaSpace, several prototypes of almost all sub-systems of the launcher have been produced and are being tested.


🏅 An innovative and cost-effective way of developing a new launcher, also made possible thanks to our pragmatic approach to leverage excellence of several space industry players developing technologies ESA has contributed to shape, starting with Prometheus engines which MaiaSpace will purchase at commercial conditions from ArianeGroup. As a matter of fact, our industrial footprint is truly European, as 40% of our launch service recurring costs will be generated outside France (mainly in Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.)


⏫ We also presented how we leverage reusability technologies in order to be competitive on a larger satellite market segment, to launch more often, to recover our development costs faster and to offer more launch opportunities to our customers. Moreover, these are scalable technologies that can be implemented on rockets of various size, for a fraction of the costs necessary to develop a new launcher.


🤝 Last but not least, we took the occasion to share our vision on how to find the right balance between competition and cooperation in Europe. Competition between European projects – NOT between European countries – can accelerate innovation and reduce costs. But we need to keep in mind that cooperation has always made the success of the European space industry, and allows to reach the critical mass to be competitive on the global market. Providing competitive solutions is essential to ensure Europe’s long term autonomy in its access to space: MaiaSpace is willing to contribute to this endeavor!


Reusability Maia EuropeInSpace Innovation


📷 Octave BENARD